омммммммноммммммноммммммн Arsenal Computer оллн оллноллн оллн олллнолллноллн оллллллн BBS Support for By Popular Request v2.0 оппн оппноппн оппн оммн оммноммммммноммммммн Arsenal CD-ROMs are put together by SysOps, For SysOps. It's as simple as that. A quick look at the way this disc was made will help to illustrate: [1] FILE LISTINGS - Unlike some discs that have little to no file listings, or at best in the QBBS format (the hardest of any listing to convert), Arsenal CD-ROMs provide file listings in numerous formats. These file listings insure that you have what you need for your BBS installation. If you find that we do not provide the text listing that your BBS requires, contact us and let us know, so we can add it to the support! [2] PROBLEM FILE SCAN - We check out each and every file that goes on an Arsenal disc as closely as possible. We check for the following problems: <1> Virus infection <2> CRC Corruption <3> Items not licensed for Shareware Distribution <4> Items that might cause legal problems of other nature. When you buy an Arsenal disc, you are getting what we believe is the SAFEST shareware disc on the market. It's as simple as that. [3] SMALL DIRECTORIES - Have you ever waded through a directory with 2,600 files in one place? I have, and it's no fun. Arsenal discs are all divided down to keep such things from occuring. When you buy an Arsenal product, you are getting Quality, Competence, Reliability, and the assurance that we will not do you wrong. Count on it.